Pocket girlfriend 2
Pocket girlfriend 2

It could be a cherished moment or an act of serendipity. Unexpected GiftsĪ gift doesn’t have to be something purchased from a store. In my case, I asked my mother if Nanny was something of a worrier and she confirmed it for me. Look for phrases or word usage that is not a part of your normal vocabulary. Typically, if you were thinking this, you’d phrase it in the first person format, as in “I need to get ready or I’m going to be late,” instead of “You need to get ready or you’re going to be late.” When you get these mind messages, jot them down and see if a pattern emerges. Ways to determine if this is your thoughts or helpful advice from a deceased friend or family member is to inspect the thought. It took me years to understand that it was HER and not ME telling me to “slow down!” when I was driving too fast or to “get off the computer and start getting ready or you’re going to be late!” In many ways, she was the voice of responsibility that seemed to run through my mind when I wasn’t doing what I should have been doing. Often, we dismiss many of the messages we receive from our loved ones as our own internal monologue. Message received, I drove a bit slower and made it home safely. After that, the next song that came on was Drive by Incubus and then Slow Ride by Foghat.


Moments later, a pickup truck buzzed past quickly, weaving back and forth in the lane with obvious signs of driver inebriation. With my heart hammering in my chest, I put on my blinker and got into the slow lane, reducing my speed down to 5 mph below the speed limit. I let them know I was listening and told them to give me the next sign, which was The Kill (Bury Me) by Thirty Seconds to Mars and then Prayer by Disturbed. That definitely got my attention, since my music is set to play randomly. Four songs with the word “angel” in the title played in a row. During a recent trip, one family member sent me a distinct warning. I don’t have to bother with songs I don’t like and there aren’t any commercials to contend with. When I’m traveling long distances, I like listening to my ITunes collection through my car stereo. This is especially significant if the jewelry or item once belonged to the person who is visiting you. Others might find more obvious signs, like a photo of the departed loved one that refuses to remain upright or a piece of jewelry that continues to turn up in odd places. It made me feel much better knowing it was Betty and not the first signs of dementia. A family friend who often visited me liked to play pranks on me, similar to the things she did in life. I had this happen to me repeatedly until a psychic medium friend clued me in to what was really happening. When you place your reading glasses on your nightstand and find them on the kitchen counter, you might wonder if you’ve lost your mind. It took a lot of energy for your loved one to send that to you. Frequently, the smell is so faint and fleeting, you might attribute it to your imagination, but you shouldn’t. For others, it could be the smell of a favorite meal or bread baking. This makes perfect sense, considering scent has the strongest connection to memory recall than any of the other senses.įor some, the scent might be a favorite perfume or the smell of pipe tobacco. Loved ones often reveal their presence by sending us scents that we always associated with them. They might be a message from beyond the grave. When you have dreams of this nature, pay close attention to them. You will also have a higher probability of remembering it, even if you don’t normally remember your dreams. For many, dreams of this nature have a realistic texture to them, not feeling as dreamlike as most dreams. Because our subconscious minds are far less cluttered than our waking minds, spirits have an easier time getting through to us. When we sleep, our vibration rises, nearly matching the higher vibration of loved ones in spirit form. Here are some of the ways they might reach out to you. One thing I’ve discovered is that loved ones often try to contact us after death. Since that time, I’ve been a student of the paranormal world, learning as much as possible about what happens to us when we die. I rushed to where she sat and said, “Nanny! I thought you died.” She wrapped me in her arms and said, “I did die, but I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye to you.” I was only six years old, but the dream is as clear as it was when it happened. I was astounded because nobody else could see her. As we came into the house, Nanny was sitting on the couch. In my dream, my mother and I went to my grandmother’s house to clean out her closet so my grandfather wouldn’t have to contend with it. Several days after my grandmother passed away suddenly in her sleep, I had a dream about her.

Pocket girlfriend 2